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Herrero N, Corfdir Y, Vázquez-Chenlo A, Capurro L & Forcato C. Electrophysiological correlates of consciouss experiences during sleep: Lucid dreams, sleep paralysis, out-of-body experiences, and false awakenings. bioRxiv. <.pdf>

Capurro L, Radloff M, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C. Changes in Brain Oscillatory Dynamics in Elderly Adults as a Consequence of Natural Aging. Research Square Preprints. <.pdf>

Vidal V, Pretel MR, Capurro L, Tassone LM, Moyano MD, Malacari RG, Brusco LI, Ballarini FM, Forcato C. Short Naps Improve Subsequent Learning in a High School Setting. Research Square Preprints. <.pdf>

Bonilla M, Flores-Kanter PE, Vidal V, Jimenez Z, Leon CS, Urreta Benitez FA, Luis I Brusco, Vázquez Chenlo LA,  Corfdir Y, García Bauza C & Forcato C. Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recognition and testimony memory: Differential effects in young and older adults. SSRN Preprints.  <.pdf>

Urreta Benítez FA, Leon CS, Bonilla M, Garrido M & Forcato C  Psychology of memory applied to a real case of wrongful conviction PsyArXiv Preprints DOI: 10.31234/ <.pdf>


Gallo FT, Herrero NL, Tommasel A, Godoy D, Spiousas I, Gasca-Rolin M, Ramele R, Gleiser PM & Forcato C (2024). Differences in emotional content, dream awareness, and dream control between lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences: Report analyses. Dreaming. Advance online publication. <Abstract>  <Preprint Version> 


Pretel M, Vidal V, Kienigiel D, Forcato C* & Ramele R* (2024) A low-cost and open-hardware portable 3-electrode sleep monitoring device. HardwareX 6:19:e00553. *Contributed equally. <Full Article>

Carbone J, Bibian C, Born J, Forcato C & Diekelmann S. (2024). Comparing Targeted Memory Reactivation during slow wave sleep and sleep stage 2. Scientific Reports, 14(1): 9057. <Full Article>

Leon CS, Lo Celso AL, Urreta Benítez FA, Bonilla M, Olivar N, Toledo J, Brusco LI & Forcato C. (2024) Differential effects of clonazepam on declarative memory formation and face recognition. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 213: 107956. <Abstract>


Gallo FT, Spiousas I, Herrero NL, Godoy D, Tommasel A, Gasca-Rolín M, Ramele R, Gleiser PM & Forcato C. (2023). Structural differences between non-lucid, lucid and out-of-body experience reports assessed by graph analysis. Scientific Reports. 13: 19579.  <Full Article>

Tassone LM, Moyano M, Laiño F, Brusco LI, Ramele R & Forcato C. (2023) One-week sleep hygiene treatment education improves episodic memory in young but not in older adults during social isolation. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 14, <Full Article>

Leon CS, Bonilla M, Brusco LI, Forcato C & Urreta Benítez FA. (2023) Fake news and memory formation in the psychology debate. IBRO Neuroscience Reports. 15: 24-30. <pdf>


Herrero NL, Gallo FT, Gasca-Rolín M, Gleiser PM, & Forcato C. (2022). Spontaneous and induced Out-of-Body Experiences during Sleep Paralysis: Emotions, "Aura" recognition, and Clinical Implications. Journal of Sleep Research. e13703. <Abtract>  <Preprint Version>


Moyano MD, Carbonari, Bonilla M, Pedreira ME, Brusco I, Kaczer L & Forcato. (2022) Non-linear susceptibility to interferences in declarative memory formation. PLoS ONE. 17(6): e0270678. <Full Article>

Vidal V, Barbuzza A, Tassone L, Brusco I, Ballarini F & Forcato C. (2022). Odor cueing during sleep improves consolidation of a history lesson in a school setting. Scientific Reports. 12: 10350. <Full Article>

Leon CS, Matías M, Urreta Benítez FA, Brusco LI, Wang J & Forcato C. (2022). Impairment of aversive episodic memories during Covid-19 pandemic: The impact of emotional context on memory processes. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. 187: 107575. <.pdf>  <Preprint Version>


Urreta Benítez FA, Leon CS, Bonilla M, Flores-Kanter PE & Forcato C (2021). Identification performance during quarentine by Covid-19 pandemic: Influence of emotional variables and sleep quality. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 691583. <Full Article>

Laurino J, Forcato C, Coaker N, Pedreira ME & Kaczer L (2021). Learning new words: memory reactivation as a mechanism for strengthening and updating a novel word´s meaning. Memory & Cognition. <Full Article>

Carbone J, Bibian C, Reischl P, Born J, Forcato C, Diekelmann S (2021). The effect of Zolpidem on targeted memory reactivation during sleep. Learning & Memory. 28(9):307-318.  <Full Article>

Wang J, Chen B, Sha M, Gu Y, Wu H, Forcato C & Qin S (2021) Positive and Neutral Updating Reconsolidate Aversive Episodic Memories via Different Routes. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107500. <Abstract> <Preprint Version>


Forcato C, Klinzing JG, Carbone J, Radloff M, Weber FD, Born J, Diekelmann S (2020) Reactivation during sleep with incomplete reminder cues rather than complete ones stabilizes long-term memory in humans. Communications Biology 3(1):733. <Full Article>


Bonilla M, Jorge C, Moyano M & Forcato C (2020). Modificación de memorias maladaptativas durante el sueño y la vigilia: una visión interdisciplinaria. Revista de Psicología. <.pdf>


Tassone L, Urreta Benítez FA, Rochón D, Martínez P, Bonilla M. Leon C, Muchnik C, Solis P, Medel N, Brusco LI, Kochen S, Moyano MD & Forcato C (2020). Improvement of  Declarative Memory in Young and Older Adults through the reconsolidation process. PLOS one 15(8):e0237361. <Full Article>

Campos-Arteaga G., Forcato C., Wainstein G., Lagos-Chávez R., Palacios-García I., Artigas C., Pedreira M.E., Rodríguez, E. Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans:  an ERP and pupillometry study (2020). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 174:107279. <Abstract>


Moyano M, Diekelmann S, Pedreira ME, Born J & Forcato C (2019). Sleep accelerates the re-stabilization of a human labilized declarative memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 162:1-8. <Abstract>

Bavassi L, Forcato C, De Pino G, Fernández RS, Pedreira ME & Villarreal MF (2019). Neural footprints of a strengthened memory: the role of reconsolidation. Scientific Reports. 9(1):784. <Full Article>

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